Wild + Precious
Wild and Precious Conversations
Nurturing/Mothering: Conversation with Jessica Hessels

Nurturing/Mothering: Conversation with Jessica Hessels

Nurturing/Mothering — Welcome to a Wild and Precious conversation with Jessica Hessels, Badass Mom of the Badass Moms Club.

Our conversation begins at approximately the 5:20 mark with Jessica graciously accepting my affirmation that I wholeheartedly enjoy her youthfulness. I appreciate her young, open attitude toward mothering (and all care giving) and so we start there.

We talk a lot about social media - how it can empower and disempower young parents simply through its immediacy and always-on nature. It’s been a full 23 years since I was a new mom, so a lot has changed — I so admire the inclusiveness in modern mothering…but also understand that there is a lot of pressure still to conform.

And that is in many ways the essence of what we talk about. I chose to breastfeed all four of my babies, while Jessica chose to share feeding with her husband and use formula. Both are options. Both are valid options.

And, onward to more empowerment of those caring for the youngest and most vulnerable.

What we talked about:

  • First, Yes, Jessica is young & wise.

  • Second, Breast is {not necessarily} best. It’s a choice, people. As are most decisions we make during mothering an all care giving. The range of acceptable is wide.

  • Third, Mothering, care giving, is a role we take on but which should not define us.

  • Fourth, Let’s make absolutely sure our oxygen mask is on first.


Onward to Family. I love the idea that we choose our family and I love the idea that we nurture the hell out of the relationships with those we did not chose. Both. All. And, I acknowledge that sometimes we need to pause a relationship while the other person catches up a bit. Look for the Monday morning newsletter, and our conversation from the Wild and Precious podcast episode on Thursday with My Family: my sister and my two cousins. Honestly, it’s going to be quite the conversation.

The Underbelly Project: A weekly workout for your emotional strength and flexibility. If you’re not afraid to get dusty and maybe shed a few tears together, join me and let’s get emotionally strong!

And please, if you know anyone who might like to share this journey, share this project. Excited to stay in the arena with you.


Wild + Precious
Wild and Precious Conversations
Wild and Precious helps you make peace with your wild and precious life. Conversations, meditations, encouragements. A podcast by the Underbelly Project.