Wild + Precious
Wild and Precious Conversations
Gratitude: Conversation with Matana Poupko Jacobs

Gratitude: Conversation with Matana Poupko Jacobs

Gratitude — Welcome to a Wild and Precious conversation with Matana Poupko Jacobs, of Hope to Recharge podcast.

Our conversation began by jumping right in to the reality that gratitude is really easy when life is easy. It becomes precious when life throws you a curve ball, when you have to remember to be grateful for your breath. For your ability to sit down. For the roof over your head. For your food that day. We then wander into a discussion of Sabbath, of taking time to connect to your inner self, to God, to your close family.

We talk about the importance of recognizing resentment. Of not just moving to gratitude when it’s false, but taking time to come through resentment to acceptance and finally a real gratitude for something that may surprise you.

I decided to give up my slight resentment over wearing masks as an example. Before you send hate mail, please know that I really don’t resent wearing a mask very much — I decided to “go there” as a way to open that conversation that no one really wants to wear a mask when we wake up in the morning…but we do it out of love for our neighbour. Honestly, I think how we broke that one down was gorgeous. Thank you, Matana!

The way Matana left the conversation filled me with well needed tears of joy. Listen.

What we talked about:

  • First, Gratitude is easy until it is not. At that moment, start small. Start with your breath.

  • Second, We move into a lovely (IMHO) discussion of the Sabbath, going inward to find gratitude, the importance of knowing yourself (that’s my paraphrase…)

  • Third, We discuss being both spiritual and religious and how to find a balance of the two.

  • Fourth, We end on the breath.


Onward to sex! Look for the Monday morning newsletter, and a conversation from the Wild and Precious podcast episode on Thursday with Leah Carey of Good Girls Talk About Sex. (Yes, your normally modest dare-I-say sqeamish 52 year old gets very frank and mature. Be forewarned.)

The Underbelly Project: A weekly workout for your emotional strength and flexibility. If you’re not afraid to get dusty and maybe shed a few tears together, join me and let’s get emotionally strong!

And please, if you know anyone who might like to share this journey, share this project. Excited to stay in the arena with you.


Wild + Precious
Wild and Precious Conversations
Wild and Precious helps you make peace with your wild and precious life. Conversations, meditations, encouragements. A podcast by the Underbelly Project.