Creativity — Welcome to a Wild and Precious conversation with Jae Hermann, Badassery Advocate.
Our conversation began with my curiosity around Jae’s stint as a Military Police Officer. As soon as I saw that in her bio, I knew I had to ask for more on that story. Our conversation flowed into recommitting to your platform, recommitting to what you stand for on a daily basis, and being willing to change as needed. To reinvent what you do, how you show up.
We talk about wanting to ensure that this moment in history, where we’re gaining momentum to really want permanent change, becomes just that. Not a fluke, not a moment in the sun where we promote black and brown and non-white businesses for a few weeks and then stop, but we permanently look for ways to make more black, brown and non-white businesses and creative projects get center stage.
And we talk about how important it is now for GenX women and men to rediscover their why, rediscover their energy, their playfulness, their story.
What we talked about:
First, Synchronicity, creativity, flow — How life unfolds for us.
Second, What does it mean to recommit to your platform every day?
Third, How can we ensure that black, brown, and non-white businesses stay at the top of our minds? How can we keep the momentum going?
Fourth, The importance of helping Gen Xers rediscover their playful side, rediscover their power.
Onward to peace! Look for the Monday morning newsletter, and a conversation from the Wild and Precious podcast episode with Kimberly Weeks, Trauma Recovery Coach
The Underbelly Project: A weekly workout for your emotional strength and flexibility. If you’re not afraid to get dusty and maybe shed a few tears together, join me and let’s get emotionally strong!
And please, if you know anyone who might like to share this journey, share this project. Excited to stay in the arena with you.
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